Here's How It Works
You originate or acquire FFBCs
BMS will upload your FFBC documents
into our secure BMS Vault, including signed homeowner disclosures, ALTAs for each homeowner, FFBC declarations, FFBC assignments (if any), operating agreement, incorporation documents, monthly financial statements, tax returns, and registered agent notifications, among others.
Our team of FFBC specialists does the heavy lifting and reviews, organizes, and builds a comprehensive database for your FFBC investment on a per unit basis -- all organized
in one central repository.
We maintain, update and manage that repository for each change in ownership, each new unit acquired, each change in law so when you're ready to sell, your paperwork is ready too.
BMS VAULT helps Developers & Investors preserve the value of their FFBC investment.
Whether you are a developer originating FFBCs or an investor in FFBCs, all FFBC owners need to store, update and manage hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of records for individual homeowners to preserve the value of their investment. But this requirement poses an administrative challenge:
FFBC owners must maintain and update entity legal records, home owner information, and payment histories for up to 40 years!
The FFBC legal landscape is new and changing so you can't simply leave your documents in a file collecting dust, but rather you need an FFBC expert to ensure your documentation stays up-to-date with the shifting legal landscape.
Updating various excel sheets and file systems for hundreds, or even thousands, of units, with staff turnover, software changes, and lost physical copies, is time-consuming and may lead to inaccuracies, missed documentation, and ultimately impairing the value of your investment for a potential future sale.